Focal Area – Problem-based Learning – Data-based Decision-making
2 Stars and 1 Wish 78.82 KB 101 downloads
This is a peer assessment form that students can use as they watch their classmates’...A Volume and Surface Area Unit Plan that Includes Real World Applications 1.38 MB 511 downloads
In this unit plan, students will be able to find the volume and surface area of real...Assessment - The Multiple Intelligence Quiz 134.18 KB 93 downloads
This multiple intelligence quiz can be used by teachers to help them plan lessons...Blueprint Summary Table (With Video Explanation) 124.32 MB 263 downloads
This exemplar of a blueprint summary table can be used by teachers to plan out formative...Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Tool Kit 120.14 MB 4849 downloads
This tool kit includes a researched-based approach to implementing a claim-evidence-reasoning...Commentary: Evaluating the Validity of Formative and Interim Assessment, Shepard, 2009 84.05 KB 302 downloads
Provides teachers with evidence of how formative assessments can be used to improve...Contrasting Cases Tool Kit 2.97 MB 96 downloads
This tool kit is a guide to building assessment questions that will support building...Correlations Project 21.70 KB 61 downloads
This project is designed to have students use technology to apply their understanding...Critical Task 2 - Linear vs. Non-Linear Functions 330.03 KB 128 downloads
In this task, students will be able to distinguish between linear and nonlinear functions,...Data Journal 14.32 KB 47 downloads
This Excel spreadsheet can be used by both teachers and students to keep track of...Engagement Survey Tool Kit 45.87 MB 479 downloads
This tool kit includes a Research-based survey to measure the various facets of engagement,...Extending the Reach of Academic. Makerspaces into K-12 Schools: Delivering Maker-Based Instructions with a Mobile Makerspace. Rouse et al, 2018 (PBL) 71.00 KB 71 downloads
This resource is an article that shares the successes of making Maker-based instruction...Instructional Form Feedback 15.21 KB 82 downloads
This form allows teachers to gain immediate feedback from their students on the effectiveness...iTeams: Integrating Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Science; An Integrative STEAM Curriculum for 7th Grade Students, Developed by Juan Torralba 3.50 MB 85 downloads
In this document, teachers will find a total of 5 lessons that can be taught in the...Item Difficulty and Discrimination Table (With Video Explanation) 155.98 MB 314 downloads
This exemplar of an item difficulty and discrimination table can be used by teachers...Kahoot Review: Descriptive Statistics (With Video) 116.75 MB 392 downloads
This review is an example of a formative assessment using the engaging Kahoot platform....Learning Theories: Implications in Teacher Education: Ratna and Tron, 2017 231.20 KB 192 downloads
This resource is an article that discusses the theoretical principles that teachers...Life Unit Plan - Middle and High School Students - Real Life Scenarios with Rational Numbers - NO FILE AVAILABLE 0.00 KB 0 downloads
This resource unit plan provides students with real world scenarios about adult life...No file attached
Maker Education Materials 1.32 MB 62 downloads
These are the materials that were included as part of the SEALED PD that my team...Principles of Test Creation: A self-instructional handbook for BYU Educators, 2003 1.07 MB 68 downloads
This resource is a manual for teachers to help design reliable and valid test questions...- 1
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