Focal Area – Problem-based Learning – Data-based Decision-making


Project Based Learning Tool Kit 144.45 MB 2556 downloads

This tool kit includes a researched-based approach to implementing project based...

Project Self-Assessment 13.75 KB 62 downloads

This is a self-assessment form used alongside completion of group projects that allows...

Standards Alignment Maker Sprint Cycles for 3D Printing Grades 1-8 44.02 KB 77 downloads

This document aligns Maker-based lessons across the curriculum including vertical...

STEM Engineering Design Template 1,016.54 KB 87 downloads

Modified from NSTA’s Beyond the Egg Drop, this template applies research-based...

Student Test Scores; How the Sausage is Made and Why You Should Care 70.22 KB 53 downloads

This resource is an article that assesses how student ability is measured and reported...

True STEM and STEAM Integration Tool Kit 103.97 MB 1715 downloads

A step by step guide for true STE(A)M integration with several exemplars to the design...

UDL Tool Kit 66.92 MB 110 downloads

This tool kit is a list of resources to help with understanding and implementing...

Unit 5 Project: Designing a Statistical Study 62.59 KB 67 downloads

This project is designed to have students design their own statistical study. Again,...