What's the Psychological Impact of COVID19 on Health Care Professionals?

Identity for Black in Mental Health Week

Academic Contributions

As a research team, CRECER is deeply engaged in the study of culture
and the development of participatory action research skills.

2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2016 | Previous Years

In Press and Under Review

Nicolas, G., Meyer, M., Louder, C. N., Schooley, R., & Sun, L. (in press). Real talk: Promoting social justice in education and psychology through difficult dialogues. Information Age Publishing, Inc. https://www.infoagepub.com/products/Real-Talk

Louder, C. N., Franklin, A. R., Meyer, M. L., del Rey, G. M., Gutierrez, M. A., Masters, B., Dorsett, J. A. & Nicolas, G. (2023). The fight for civil rights and its connection to mental health in Black communities [Manuscript submitted for publication]. In M. Fuller & C. Small (Eds.), Anti-Blackness: White privilege, allyship, and psychology (1st ed). Oxford University Press.
Meyer, M. L., Franklin, A. R., Louder, C. N., Dorsett, J. A., Boursiquot White, M., & Nicolas, G. (Under Review). Working with Communities to Promote the Wellness of Black Families in Miami: The CRECER Lab. In T. Mendenhall & B. Doherty (Eds.), Citizen Therapist. American Psychological Association



Nicolas, G., McKenny, M., & Janac, N. (accepted; in press). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in a Global Context: The Caribbean. Editor. Mark D. Terjesen.

Meyer, M. L., Louder, C. N., Self, K. J., & Nicolas, G. (2022). Investigating the Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Professionals: Implications and Recommendations. Journal of Prevention and Health Promotion. https://doi.org/10.1177/26320770221091735


Meyer, M. L., Louder, C. N., & Nicolas, G. (2021). Creating With, Not For People: Theory of Change and Logic Models for Culturally Responsive Community-Based Intervention. American Journal of Evaluation. https://doi.org/10.1177/10982140211016059.

Coupet, S., Nicolas, G., Louder, C. N., & Meyer, M. (2021). When Public Health Messages Become Stressful: Managing Chronic Disease During COVID-19. Social sciences & humanities open, 4(1), 100150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssaho.2021.100150.

Meyer, M. L., McKenny, M.C., Liddell-Quintyn, E., Nicolas, G., St. Louis. G., (2021). Racial Stress and Racialized Violence among Black Immigrants in the U.S. In P. Tummala-Narra (Eds). Trauma and Racial Minority Immigrants: Turmoil, Uncertainty, and Resistance (p. 147 –163). American Psychological Association.https://doi.org/10.1037/0000214-009.


Maxie-Moreman, A., Janac, N., & McKenny, M. (2020). Creating Connections in the Caribbean: Preparation and Process of Multilingual and Multinational Intergroup Dialogue. Caribbean Journal of Psychology, 12(1), 83–103.

Guerda Nicolas, G. Rita Dudley-Grant, Ashley Maxie-Moreman, Esprene Liddell-Quintyn, Jacqueline Baussan, Natacha Janac & Monique McKenny (2020): Psychotherapy with Caribbean Women: Examples from USVI, Haiti, and Guyana, Women & Therapy, DOI:10.1080/02703149.2020.1775993

Nicolas, G., Dudley-Grant, G. R., Maxie-Moreman, A., Liddell-Quintyn, E., Baussan, J., Janac, N., & McKenny, M. (2020). Psychotherapy with Caribbean Women: Examples from USVI, Haiti, and Guyana. Women & Therapy , 1-20.


Nicolas, Guerda & E. F. Thompson, Chalmer. (2019). Racialized Violence in the Lives of Black People: Illustrations From Haiti (Ayiti) and the United States. American Psychologist. 10.1037/amp0000453.

Nicolas, G., & Thompson, C. E. F. (2019). Racialized violence in the lives of Black people: Illustrations from Haiti (Ayiti) and the United States. American Psychologist, 74(5), 587–595. Retrieved from https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Famp0000453


Thompson, C.E., & Nicolas, G. (10 books series contract; 2017). Pan-African Psychologies. New York: NY: Palgrave Macmillan.


Nicolas, G., St. Louis, G., & Lancet, C. (2016). Building mental health capacity in Haiti through collaborative partnerships. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Gustemable, G., & Nicolas, G. (2016). conséquences psychologiques de la pauvreté extrême an Haiti. Coconut Creek, FL: Caribbean Studies Press.

Previous Years

Streets, B., Nicolas, G., & Wolford, K. (2015). Pause…before rushing in: examining motivations to help in trauma impacted communities internationally. International Research and Review, 4(2), 15-31. Retrieved from http://phibetadelta.org/docs/IRR%20Spring%202015%20-%20V4N2.pdf#page=22

Nicolas, G., Byer, K., & Ho, K. (2015). Guiding principles for implementing mental health programs internationally. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 8(4), 446-457. doi:10.1080/17542863.2014.996237

Nicolas, G., Bejarano, A., & Lee, D. (Eds.). (2015). Contemporary parenting: a global perspective. Abingdon, UK: Taylor Francis (Routledge Press).

Nicolas, G., Wheatley, A., & Guillaume, C. (2014). Does one trauma fit all? Exploring the relevance of PTSD across cultures. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 8(1), 34-45. doi:10.1080/17542863.2014.892519

Smith, L., Bernal, D. R., Schwartz, B. S., Whitt, C. L., Christman, S. T., Donnelly, S., Wheatley, A., Guillaume, C., Nicolas, G., Kish, J., & Kobetz, E. (2014). Coping with vicarious trauma in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 42(1), 2-12. doi:10.1002/j.2161-1912.2014.00040.x

Schwartz, B., Bernal, D., & Nicolas, G. (2014). Pathways to understand help-seeking behaviors among Haitians. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 16(2), 239-243. doi:10.1007/s10903-012-9751-y

Nicolas, G., & Wheatley, A. (2013). Historical and socio-political perspectives on mental health in the Caribbean region. Interamerican Journal of Psychology, 47(2), 167-176. Retrieved from http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=28430082002

Cianelli, R., Wilkinson, C., Mitchell, E., Anglade, D., Nicolas, G., Mitrani, V., & Peragallo, N. (2013). Mental health training experiences among Haitian healthcare workers post-earthquake. International Nursing Review, 60(4), 528-535. doi:10.1111/inr.12047.

Acosta, R. C., Wilkinson, C., Michell, E., Anglade, D., Nicolas, G., Mitrani, V., & Peragallo, N. (2013). Experiencias de formación en salud mental entre trabajadores sanitarios haitianos tras el terremoto de 2010. International Nursing Review en Español: Revista Oficial del Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras, 60(4), 566-573.

Thompson A., Bernal, G., Dudley-Grant, R., Govia, I., Nicolas, G., Bullock, M., & Gauthier, J. (2013). Regional conferences-A capacity-building mandate: report on CRCP2011-building bridges and building a regional structure. International Journal of Psychology, 48(6), 1321-1331. doi:10.1080/00207594.2013.840964

Nicolas, G., Byer, K., & Guillaume, C. (2013). Implementing Mental Health Programs Internationally: Examples from Haiti. International Psychology Bulletin, 17(3), 42-47. Retrieved from http://internationalpsychology.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/ipb_summer_2013-07-22-1_final.pdf

Nicolas, G. & Whitt, C.L. (2013). Adolescent girls of color: In their own voices. In L. Comas-Diaz & B. Greene (Eds.), Psychological Health of Women of Color: Intersections, Challenges, and Opportunities (pp. 39-56). Santa Barbara: CA, Praeger.

Kobetz, E., Menard, J., Kish, J., Bishop, I., Hazaan, G., & Nicolas, G. (2013). Impacts of the 2010 Haitian earthquake in the diaspora: findings from Little Haiti, Miami, FL. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 15(2), 442-447.

Nicolas, G., & Smith, L.E. (2013). Adjusting to Life in the United States: Therapy with Haitian Immigrant Women. Women & Therapy, 36(3-4), 150-162.

Nicolas, G., & Whitt, C.L. (2012). Conducting qualitative research with a Black immigrant sample: Understanding depression among Haitian immigrant women. In D.K. Nagata, L. Kohn-Wood, & L.A. Suzuki (Eds.), Qualitative strategies for ethnocultural research (pp. 199-217). Washington, DC, US: American Psychological Association.

Schwartz, B., Bernal, D., Smith, L.E., & Nicolas, G. (2012). Pathways to Understand Help-Seeking Behaviors Among Haitians. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

Nicolas, G. & Schwartz, B. (2012). Culture first: Lessons learned in culturally adapting treatment for Black Caribbean youth. In G. Bernal & M.M. Domenech Rodriguez (Eds.), Cultural adaptations: Tools for evidence-based practice with diverse populations (pp. 71-90). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Rendón, M. J. & Nicolas, G. (2012). Deconstructing the portrayals of Haitian women in the media: A thematic analysis of Haitian women images in the Associated Press photo archive, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36(2), 227-239.

Wheatley, A., Christman, S., & Nicolas, G. (2012). Walking the talk: Empowering communities through dialogue. Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology, 4(1), 1-17.

Nicolas, G., Jacques, R. N., & Wheatley, A. (2012). Mental health counseling in Haiti: Historical overview and plans for the future. Journal of Black Psychology, 38(4), 509-519.

Nicolas, G., Bernal, D., & Christman, S.T. (2011). Acculturation, acculturative stress, and mental health among Haitians in the United States. In L. Sher & A. Vilens (Eds.), Immigration and mental health. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Nicolas, G., Hirsch, B., Beltrame, C. (2010). Sociopolitical, gender, and cultural factors in the conceptualization and treatment of depression among Haitian women. In D.C. Jack & A. Ali (Eds), Silencing the Self Across Cultures (pp. 313-332). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Helms, J.E., Nicolas, G., & Green, C.E. (2010). Racism and ethnoviolence as trauma: Enhancing professional training. Traumatology, 16, 53-62.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A., & Donnelly, S. L. (2010). Social ties, social support, and mental health of Haitian immigrants. Coconut Creek, FL: Caribbean Studies Press.

Nicolas, G., S., Hirsch, B., & Fleury, C. (2010). Culture and depression among Haitian and Bahamian women. In D. Jack & A. Ali (Eds.). Cultural perspectives on women's depression: Self-silencing, psychological distress, and recovery. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Nicolas, G. & Rendón, M. J. (2010). Cultural health beliefs and conceptualization of illness among Haitians. Communiqué, XLI-XLV.

Nicolas, G. & Schwartz, B. (2010). Honing in on culture. Creating group adhesion for adolescent girls of African descent. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34, 131-132.

Nicolas, G., Schwartz, B., & Pierre, E. (2010). Weathering the storms like bamboo: The strengths of Haitians in coping with natural disasters (p. 93-106). In A. Kalayjian, D. Eugene, & G. Reyes (Eds.)., International handbook of emotional healing: Rituals and practices for resilience after mass trauma. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.

Donnelly, S. (2009). International psychology: Challenges and promises of a growing movement. The Counseling Psychologist, 14-15.

Nicolas, G., Arntz, D.L., Hirsch, B., & Schmiedigen, A. (2009). Cultural adaptation of a group treatment for African American adolescents. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40, 378-384.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A., Prater, K., & Bronkoski, E. (2009). Empathic family stress as a sign of family connectedness in Haitian immigrants. Family Process, 48, 135-150.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A., & Rabenstein, K. (2009). Educational attainment of Haitian immigrants. Urban Education, 44, 664-686.

Nicolas, G., Prater, K., & DeSilva, A. (2009). The mental health status of Black immigrants in the United States. In J. L. Chin (Ed.), Diversity in mind and in action. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.

Nicolas, G., Helms, J.E., Jernigan, M.M., Sass, T., Skrzypek, A., & DeSilva, A.M. (2008). A conceptual framework for understanding the strengths of Black youths. Journal of Black Psychology, 34, 261-280.

Schwartz, B. (2008). Youths of color: Strengths and protective factors. The Clinical Psychologist, 60, 9-10.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A., Bejarano, A., & Desrosiers, A. (2007). A descriptive evaluation of religiosity among Haitian immigrants: An empirical study. Journal of Haitian Studies.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A.M., Subrebost, K.L., Breland-Noble, A. Gonzalez-Eastep, D., Manning, N. … Prater, K. (2007). Expression and treatment of depression among Haitian immigrant women in the United States: Clinical observations. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 61, 83-98.

Breland-Noble, A.M., Bell, C., & Nicolas, G. (2006). Family first: The development of an evidence-based family intervention for increasing participation in psychiatric clinical care and research in depressed African American adolescents. Family Process, 45, 153-169.

Nicolas, G., DeSilva, A.M., Grey, K.S., & Gonzalez-Eastep, D. (2006). Using a multicultural lens to understand illness among Haitians living in America. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 37, 702-707.