Resource Type – Assessment


2 Stars and 1 Wish 78.82 KB 101 downloads

This is a peer assessment form that students can use as they watch their classmates’...

Assessment - The Multiple Intelligence Quiz 134.18 KB 93 downloads

This multiple intelligence quiz can be used by teachers to help them plan lessons...

Blueprint Summary Table (With Video Explanation) 124.32 MB 263 downloads

This exemplar of a blueprint summary table can be used by teachers to plan out formative...

Data Journal 14.32 KB 47 downloads

This Excel spreadsheet can be used by both teachers and students to keep track of...

Instructional Form Feedback 15.21 KB 82 downloads

This form allows teachers to gain immediate feedback from their students on the effectiveness...

Item Difficulty and Discrimination Table (With Video Explanation) 155.98 MB 314 downloads

This exemplar of an item difficulty and discrimination table can be used by teachers...

Kahoot Review: Descriptive Statistics (With Video) 116.75 MB 392 downloads

This review is an example of a formative assessment using the engaging Kahoot platform....

Math Assessment: The Process over the Product 214.78 KB 61 downloads

Assisting the underserved student populations (and all other students) by assessing...

Project Self-Assessment 13.75 KB 62 downloads

This is a self-assessment form used alongside completion of group projects that allows...

Student Survey: Multiculturalism in the Classroom 6.84 KB 58 downloads

The purpose of the survey is to learn more about the students in your classroom....