Grade Level – 7 – 8


Increasing Academic Language Knowledge for English Learner Language Success 20.86 KB 66 downloads

This chart is embedded as a link in an article titled, Increasing academic Language...

Instructional Form Feedback 15.21 KB 81 downloads

This form allows teachers to gain immediate feedback from their students on the effectiveness...

iTeams: Integrating Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Science; An Integrative STEAM Curriculum for 7th Grade Students, Developed by Juan Torralba 3.50 MB 84 downloads

In this document, teachers will find a total of 5 lessons that can be taught in the...

Item Difficulty and Discrimination Table (With Video Explanation) 155.98 MB 311 downloads

This exemplar of an item difficulty and discrimination table can be used by teachers...

Journal Article: How to Implement the Self-Determined Learner Model of Instruction in Inclusive and General Education Classrooms 9.81 KB 66 downloads

By developing students' Self-Determination skills and providing students with choices,...

Kahoot Review: Descriptive Statistics (With Video) 116.75 MB 387 downloads

This review is an example of a formative assessment using the engaging Kahoot platform....

Knowing the student that I teach and her family 491.53 KB 68 downloads

A comprehensive survey that gives the educator insight into a student's culture,...

Language in Writing Instruction Enhancing Literacy in Grades 3-8 0.00 KB 0 downloads

This professional book for teachers provides an overview of Systemic Functional Linguistics...
No file attached

Learning Theories: Implications in Teacher Education: Ratna and Tron, 2017 231.20 KB 189 downloads

This resource is an article that discusses the theoretical principles that teachers...

Life Unit Plan - Middle and High School Students - Real Life Scenarios with Rational Numbers - NO FILE AVAILABLE 0.00 KB 0 downloads

This resource unit plan provides students with real world scenarios about adult life...
No file attached

Maker Education Materials 1.32 MB 61 downloads

These are the materials that were included as part of the SEALED PD that my team...

Managing Oppositional Defiance in the Classroom Through the Resistance Theory Lens 363.87 MB 222 downloads

A video recorded skit featuring Jemeca (an oppositional defiant teen), his classmate...

Math Alive - Starting where they are: Using students' Funds of Knowledge to inform the lesson planning process 59.05 KB 55 downloads

Using students' funds of knowledge to inform lesson planning and to direct classroom...

Math Assessment: The Process over the Product 214.78 KB 61 downloads

Assisting the underserved student populations (and all other students) by assessing...

Multiculturalism Goals (James Banks; 5 stages) 74.19 KB 94 downloads

A diagram and description of James Banks' Multicultural Education. ...

No Gift Left Behind: The story of The First Shot Project (Validating students by the incorporation of every gift) 442.18 KB 61 downloads

A short story about a successful after school program by students for the maintenance...

Origins of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (CRP) - Culturally Relevant Pedagogy 9.02 KB 530 downloads

This is to assert that CRP is not the origin nor the culmination of improved education,...

PandeMaths 92.74 KB 155 downloads

Using the culture that the Coronavirus has created as a teaching tool. ...

POV - Road Trips in America 8.93 KB 51 downloads

This activity can be applied to stages 1 and 2 of James Banks’ approach to multicultural...