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TikTok is an Effective Platform for Bicycle Injury Prevention Education
Social media is an efficient way to spread information, given its widespread daily use by the general population. While previous studies show that public health information can be rapidly disseminated using social media, whether the newer social media platform TikTok is effective for this purpose has yet to be explored. The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of TikTok as a means to educate the public about bicycle safety. This study analyzed the TikTok posts of “@iBikeSafe,” which was created by the University of Miami KiDZ Neuroscience Center to represent their BikeSafe program. Both qualitative (video typing, comment categorization) and quantitative (likes, views, comments) data were collected and compared within the platform and across another platform (YouTube). Results indicate that didactic posts yielded more views, likes, and comments than fun/casual posts. Almost half of comments made by users on @iBikeSafe’s page were made to constructively further the discussion and to educate other users. Five of the six videos that were adapted from the iBikeSafe YouTube channel for posting on its TikTok channel garnered exponentially greater views (from 118% to 2057%). TikTok is an effective platform for injury prevention education. Didactic posts best provide users with the ability to engage with content and to discuss takeaways amongst each other. While the current study categorized video posts into fun versus didactic posts, future implementation of injury prevention programs on this platform should investigate invitational posts deliberately created to elicit a response from the public.

Joey McEvoy

Michelina M. Witte
Faculty Advisor