Athletic and Academic Identity amongst Division I Student-Athletes
The Interplay of Different English Proficiency Levels and Gamification in Online English Learning Environment
As educational technology becomes increasingly prevalent in a variety of learning environments, gamification has emerged as a frequently discussed method of increasing student interest, engagement, and learning outcomes. This research will examine the relationship between learners' English language competence levels and their gamification involvement using data from one of the most prominent online English learning platforms, controlling for demographic characteristics. The results revealed that students who are at an entrance level of English proficiency were more motivated to participate in the competition of earning more badges and points and participating on leaderboards as their proficiency increases. However, if the students reach a level greater than 6 out of 8, their interest in the activities reflecting gamification decreases. This might be due to the increasing complexity of assignments, which may become too distracting from acquiring the language skill itself. In addition, gamification as it is currently used in research studies is quite an effective method for learning, despite that factors that contribute to high success in gamification are still somewhat unresolved, in particular, for the cognitive learning results.