A Pilot Test: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Scaffolded Expository Argumentation
The Effectiveness of Shoulder Bracing in Reducing the Risk of Shoulder Pathologies in Collegiate Football Players. A Critically Appraised Topic
The Acute Effect of Yoga on Tibialis Anterior Shear Wave Elastography in Parkinson’s Disease patients
Shear wave elastography (SWE) can characterize muscles’ elastic properties based on the propagation of shear waves during ultrasound testing. The impact of Yoga on SWE in the lower leg musculature of persons with PD has yet to be determined. Purpose: This study assessed SWE in Tibialis Anterior (TA) of the more affected (Maff) and less affected (LAff) legs of PD patients following an acute bout of Hatha yoga. Methods: SWE of the TA was analyzed for both legs of six PD patients (65.8 ± 1.5 y; H&Y Scale: 1.5 ± 0.84) immediately before and after a 1-h yoga class using a LOGIQ P9 R3 Ultrasound System with a 3-12 MHz linear transducer probe (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK. Paired t-tests were used to examine differences between the MAff and LAff legs and to compare the difference scores between the legs before and after the Yoga session. Results: No significant differences were detected between the MAff and LAff legs before (MDiff ± SEM = 8.19 ± 6.61 Kpa, t(5)=1.24, p=.270) or after Yoga (MDiff ± SEM = -0.367 ± 4.80 Kpa, t(5)=-0.19, p=.859). However, when comparing the differences between the MAff and LAff legs before and after yoga, a significantly greater difference was seen before compared to after the yoga session (MDif f± SEM = 10.99 ± 3.66 Kpa, t(5)=3.00, p=.030). Conclusion: Results indicate that a single bout of yoga can reduce the degree of asymmetry in muscle stiffness between the MAff and LAff legs of PD patients. More research is warranted.

Kylie Courtney

Kate Ei

Ana Raquel Calzada Bichili

Joseph Signorile
Faculty Advisor