Resource Type – Planning Tool


Building Literacy for English Language Learners 125.89 KB 193 downloads

This toolkit for “Building Literacy for English Language Learners” could be used...

Classroom Environment Plan Template 42.65 MB 1525 downloads

A template to help teachers carve out their visions for their classroom, which will...

Enhancing Academic Language in Physical Education 2.53 MB 254 downloads

This toolkit for “Enhancing Academic Language in Physical Education” is a wonderful...

Maker Education Materials 1.32 MB 61 downloads

These are the materials that were included as part of the SEALED PD that my team...

SE2R Narrative Feedback Poster 680.15 KB 81 downloads

A PDF poster explaning a structured, routine way to provide feedback to students...

UDL Planning Sheet Template 107.37 KB 53 downloads

A useful tool for planning UDL lessons. Can be used with any subject and any grade ...

Universal Design for Learning Guideline Wheel 2.03 MB 89 downloads

A wonderful handy tool that provides guidelines for flexible lessons that promote...

Virtual Classroom Designs 0.00 KB 245 downloads

A collection of templates of virtual classroom designs. Can be used as an information...

Weekly Learning Reflection 214.88 KB 73 downloads

A sheet for students to regularly track their progress and think about what can help...