Level – Beginner


True STEM and STEAM Integration Tool Kit 103.97 MB 1652 downloads

A step by step guide for true STE(A)M integration with several exemplars to the design...

UDL Myths vs. Facts 142.90 KB 59 downloads

A teacher handout for reference to help teachers understand UDL and how it helps...

UDL Planning Sheet Template 107.37 KB 53 downloads

A useful tool for planning UDL lessons. Can be used with any subject and any grade ...

UDL Tool Kit 66.92 MB 110 downloads

This tool kit is a list of resources to help with understanding and implementing...

UDL VS DL 127.41 KB 65 downloads

An elaborate explanation of DI and UDL, with samples of each. ...

Universal Design for Learning Guideline Wheel 2.03 MB 77 downloads

A wonderful handy tool that provides guidelines for flexible lessons that promote...

Using Technology for Engagement 426.29 KB 43 downloads

A table including UDL strategies for online teaching ...

Virtual Classroom Designs 0.00 KB 245 downloads

A collection of templates of virtual classroom designs. Can be used as an information...

Virtual Classroom Hallway 1.26 MB 49 downloads

A simple exercise to define spaces individually and collectively in a virtual classroom....

Virtual Student Planner 126.51 KB 42 downloads

Includes 12 monthly calendar pages, 52 weekly calendar pages, password keeper, assignment...