Focal Area – Student Engagement


Brain Breaks 3.01 MB 92 downloads

A list of quick brain break activities to help break up long and mentally straining...

Classroom Economy 103.03 MB 2770 downloads

A comprehensive classroom economy that connects financial literacy and classroom...

Classroom Environment Plan Template 42.65 MB 1528 downloads

A template to help teachers carve out their visions for their classroom, which will...

Ed-Tech Tools & Website List 98.16 KB 106 downloads

A document of links with brief descriptions of free and paid Ed-Tech tools and websites...

Engagement Survey Tool Kit 45.87 MB 479 downloads

This tool kit includes a Research-based survey to measure the various facets of engagement,...

Explore Rooms (How I Like to Learn) 109.18 MB 472 downloads

In these Explore Rooms, students will explore different preferences for learning....

Journal Article: How to Implement the Self-Determined Learner Model of Instruction in Inclusive and General Education Classrooms 9.81 KB 66 downloads

By developing students' Self-Determination skills and providing students with choices,...

Project Based Learning Tool Kit 144.45 MB 2572 downloads

This tool kit includes a researched-based approach to implementing project based...

Sample UDL Lesson in Action 636.28 KB 77 downloads

A small video clip of students implementing UDL strategies during a centers block...

SE2R Narrative Feedback Poster 680.15 KB 81 downloads

A PDF poster explaning a structured, routine way to provide feedback to students...

SEALED PD PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Video 781.58 MB 234 downloads

This PPT includes a great introduction to UDL and it includes resources to implement...

Self Determination Learning Model of Instruction 1.85 MB 207 downloads

A focus on the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction. Covers what it is,...

TED-Ed Talks Organizer 1.04 MB 91 downloads

TED-Ed is an educational platform with the mission of sparking new ideas among students....

The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Table 401.48 KB 50 downloads

This table describes the 3 multiple means of UDL: Engagement, representation, and...

UDL Myths vs. Facts 142.90 KB 59 downloads

A teacher handout for reference to help teachers understand UDL and how it helps...

UDL Planning Sheet Template 107.37 KB 53 downloads

A useful tool for planning UDL lessons. Can be used with any subject and any grade ...

UDL Planning Tool 176.41 KB 77 downloads

A resource that provides links with samples of each domain of UDL ...

UDL VS DL 127.41 KB 65 downloads

An elaborate explanation of DI and UDL, with samples of each. ...

Universal Design for Learning Guideline Wheel 2.03 MB 89 downloads

A wonderful handy tool that provides guidelines for flexible lessons that promote...