Focal Area – Student Engagement
Brain Breaks 3.01 MB 92 downloads
A list of quick brain break activities to help break up long and mentally straining...Classroom Economy 103.03 MB 2770 downloads
A comprehensive classroom economy that connects financial literacy and classroom...Classroom Environment Plan Template 42.65 MB 1528 downloads
A template to help teachers carve out their visions for their classroom, which will...Ed-Tech Tools & Website List 98.16 KB 106 downloads
A document of links with brief descriptions of free and paid Ed-Tech tools and websites...Engagement Survey Tool Kit 45.87 MB 479 downloads
This tool kit includes a Research-based survey to measure the various facets of engagement,...Explore Rooms (How I Like to Learn) 109.18 MB 472 downloads
In these Explore Rooms, students will explore different preferences for learning....Journal Article: And the Students Shall Lead Us: Putting Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy in Conversation with Universal Design for Learning in a Middle School Spoken Wprd Poetry Unit 10.21 KB 59 downloads
Research suggests that combining CSP with UDL principles enhances engagement and...Journal Article: How to Implement the Self-Determined Learner Model of Instruction in Inclusive and General Education Classrooms 9.81 KB 66 downloads
By developing students' Self-Determination skills and providing students with choices,...Project Based Learning Tool Kit 144.45 MB 2572 downloads
This tool kit includes a researched-based approach to implementing project based...Sample UDL Lesson in Action 636.28 KB 77 downloads
A small video clip of students implementing UDL strategies during a centers block...SE2R Narrative Feedback Poster 680.15 KB 81 downloads
A PDF poster explaning a structured, routine way to provide feedback to students...SEALED PD PowerPoint Presentation Slides and Video 781.58 MB 234 downloads
This PPT includes a great introduction to UDL and it includes resources to implement...Self Determination Learning Model of Instruction 1.85 MB 207 downloads
A focus on the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction. Covers what it is,...TED-Ed Talks Organizer 1.04 MB 91 downloads
TED-Ed is an educational platform with the mission of sparking new ideas among students....The Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Table 401.48 KB 50 downloads
This table describes the 3 multiple means of UDL: Engagement, representation, and...UDL Myths vs. Facts 142.90 KB 59 downloads
A teacher handout for reference to help teachers understand UDL and how it helps...UDL Planning Sheet Template 107.37 KB 53 downloads
A useful tool for planning UDL lessons. Can be used with any subject and any grade ...UDL Planning Tool 176.41 KB 77 downloads
A resource that provides links with samples of each domain of UDL ...Universal Design for Learning Guideline Wheel 2.03 MB 89 downloads
A wonderful handy tool that provides guidelines for flexible lessons that promote...- 1
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