
July 16, 2021

Life Unit Plan – Middle and High School Students – Real Life Scenarios with Rational Numbers – NO FILE AVAILABLE

This resource unit plan provides students with real world scenarios about adult life using lessons that help master skills using rational numbers such as ratios and percents. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of rational numbers in real life play as they search for careers, get jobs, find a home to live in, save money and pay their bills.
July 16, 2021

Extending the Reach of Academic. Makerspaces into K-12 Schools: Delivering Maker-Based Instructions with a Mobile Makerspace. Rouse et al, 2018 (PBL)

This resource is an article that shares the successes of making Maker-based instruction available to all students using a mobile maker unit. The authors argue that for maker education to flourish in K-12 schools, educators must implement instruction that aligns closely with the goals and mindsets of the Maker movement and promotes students achieving cognitive and affective learning objectives.