
July 16, 2021

iTeams: Integrating Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Science; An Integrative STEAM Curriculum for 7th Grade Students, Developed by Juan Torralba

In this document, teachers will find a total of 5 lessons that can be taught in the classroom using the five components of STEAM, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. Students will apply their knowledge of a skill and demonstrate as they build their projects the skills being taught in the classroom. These lessons can be adapted across grade-levels dependent on the ages of their students.
July 16, 2021

True STEM and STEAM Integration Tool Kit

A step by step guide for true STE(A)M integration with several exemplars to the design process. This tool kit provides resources to assist in understanding how you can implement STEM in your context. Please begin with the STEM toolkit list and the STEM introductory video when the folder downloads.