Compatibility – In Person


2 Stars and 1 Wish 78.82 KB 101 downloads

This is a peer assessment form that students can use as they watch their classmates’...

8 Strategies for Teaching Academic Language 0.00 KB 0 downloads

This article provides information for teachers to build and incorporate academic...
No file attached

A teacher's testimony about resistance in the classroom. 209.89 MB 242 downloads

A teacher's testimonial about resistance in the classroom and how resistance can...

A Volume and Surface Area Unit Plan that Includes Real World Applications 1.38 MB 507 downloads

In this unit plan, students will be able to find the volume and surface area of real...

Academic Language 2.08 MB 116 downloads

This resource is a presentation on academic language that provides a close look at...

Academic Language and English Language Learners 6.96 KB 80 downloads

This webcast provides an overview of academic language instruction for English language...

Academic Language Function Toolkit 2.15 MB 447 downloads

This academic language toolkit contains numerous strategies that can be immediately...

Academic Language Grid 202.74 KB 80 downloads

"This one page handout contains an overview of academic language as well as a breakdown...

An Introduction to Funds of Knowledge 233.89 KB 71 downloads

An explanation of the place of Funds of Knowledge in The Classroom and how it can...

Assessment - The Multiple Intelligence Quiz 134.18 KB 93 downloads

This multiple intelligence quiz can be used by teachers to help them plan lessons...

Bias Tests and Testimonials 286.80 KB 268 downloads

These tests (race, disability, gender) will serve as an opportunity for teachers...

Blueprint Summary Table (With Video Explanation) 124.32 MB 263 downloads

This exemplar of a blueprint summary table can be used by teachers to plan out formative...

Brain Breaks 3.01 MB 92 downloads

A list of quick brain break activities to help break up long and mentally straining...

Building Culturally Instructional Framework 2.34 MB 64 downloads

The culturally instructional framework offers educators the opportunity to embed...

Building Literacy for English Language Learners 125.89 KB 193 downloads

This toolkit for “Building Literacy for English Language Learners” could be used...

Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Tool Kit 120.14 MB 4848 downloads

This tool kit includes a researched-based approach to implementing a claim-evidence-reasoning...

Classroom Economy 103.03 MB 2767 downloads

A comprehensive classroom economy that connects financial literacy and classroom...

Classroom Environment Plan Template 42.65 MB 1525 downloads

A template to help teachers carve out their visions for their classroom, which will...

Coach Sparrow Website 12.30 KB 67 downloads

The link below takes you to the Coach Sparrow Reading website. This website contains...

Commentary: Evaluating the Validity of Formative and Interim Assessment, Shepard, 2009 84.05 KB 299 downloads

Provides teachers with evidence of how formative assessments can be used to improve...