
Program Schedule
AMP-IT-UP is an intensive remedial reading program specifically designed to address the unique needs of older struggling adolescent readers. AMP-IT-UP blends cognitive strategy instruction, socio-cultural theory, and techniques of direct instruction to address the complex deficits of older struggling readers.
An innovative design feature of AMP-IT-UP is its use of alternating modules in phonological decoding, spelling, fluency, and comprehension. These different reading component modules allow numerous versions of AMP-IT-UP to easily be created. This permits teachers to specify emphasis or dosage of instruction on one or more of the component(s) depending on students’ needs while only having to train teachers on one intensive reading program.
Structure. The module is comprised of two alternating reading components. One component focuses on phonological decoding, while the other component focuses on comprehension.
Theory. Two research supported concepts underlie this module. First, most adolescent struggling readers appear to have a low-level core linguistic impairment in processing the sound structure (phonology) of language [1]. Second, this leads to deficits concentrated in the areas of word identification and phonological decoding [2].
[1] (Curtis, 2004; Curtis & Longo, 1999; Ehri, 1992; Hock et al., 2009; Stanovich & Siegel, 1994)
[2] (Fletcher, et al., 1994; Hock et al., 2009; Savage, 2006)

Structure. This module expands on the Alternating module. It combines spelling and fluency instruction with phonological decoding instruction, while continuing to alternate these with comprehension instruction.
Theory. Multiple concepts support adding spelling instruction and fluency instruction to the module. First, there is a strong relationship to measures of pseudoword reading, word identification and vocabulary [3]. Second, instruction focused on words of similar patterns and structures, as opposed to grouping words based on similar spellings, improve spelling [4]. Third, fluency instruction is added to provide practice and improvement of passage reading [5], aiding in the development of a large inventory of quickly identifiable words [6].
[3] (Swanson, Trainin, Necoechea, & Hammill, 2003).
[4] (Bear & Templeton, 1998; Templeton, 1983)
[5] (Carnine, Silbert, & Kameenui, 1997)
[6] (Dowhower, 1994)
Phonological Decoding-Emphasis
Structure. I’m not sure what to say here.
Theory. I’m not sure what to say here.

Structure. I’m not sure what to say here.
Theory. I’m not sure what to say here.
Structure. The Additive module breaks the instructional schedule into segments and introduces components sequentially. It begins by front loading of phonics instruction, followed by the addition of spelling instruction, and lastly by the addition of fluency instruction.
Theory. This module draws its foundations from the understanding of reading as 1) building hierarchical skills; and 2) that developing automaticity of lower level skills (decoding, spelling) allows cognitive efforts to then be allocated to attaining higher level skills (fluency, comprehension) [x] The module allows students to master decoding, spelling, and fluency before comprehension is introduced into instruction. This enables students to more fully understand strategy instruction and achieve comprehension gains with very little explicit comprehension strategy instruction.
[x] (LaBerge & Samuels, 1974; Reynolds, 2000, Samuels & Kamil, 1984).