IES: Special Education Research
Initial Efficacy, Reading, Writing, and Language Grant, CDFA #84.32
Multi-Year Middle School Intensive Reading Intervention for Students with or At-Risk for Reading Disabilities.
2Topic/Project Type
Reading, Writing, and Language Development / Initial Efficacy project (Special Education Research Grants).
Multi-year studies examining the effect of intensive reading programs for middle school students with or at-risk for reading disabilities are few and show that without multiple years of intensive reading they appear to stagnate or regress in their reading levels. For this reason, this project proposes a multi-year (6th & 7th grade) intensive reading treatment using the, Adolescent Multi-Component-Intensive Training-Program, (AMP-IT-UP). Therefore, the aims of this project are to test: 1) a randomized control trial (RCT) efficacy study comparing the Multi-Year (6th & 7th grade) AMP-IT-UP program to Business as Usual (BaU) conditions on reading outcomes, 2) mediating and moderating factors effect on the longitudinal trajectories of reading outcomes, 3) the extent to which reading outcomes maintain or improve one year after end of treatment in 8th grade, and 4) cost and effectiveness analysis comparing AMP-IT-UP to BaU programs. While results from one-year interventions are important for informing the field, the persistence of reading problems associated with middle SWRD make it apparent additional research should be conducted to examine their response to multi-year intensive reading programs.
2Project Activities
In Year 1 the researchers will recruit middle schools and students and Cohort 1 6th grade students will be screened for eligibility, pretested in the fall, randomly assigned to either the AMP-IT-UP program or the BaU conditions, and tested at the end of 6th grade. Teacher fidelity and classroom observations will be conducted four times across the academic year, and results will be analyzed. This process will be repeated in Years 2 and 3 creating Cohorts 2 and 3. In Year 2, Cohort 1 will continue treatment in 7th grade, staying in their designated treatment (AMP-IT-UP; BaU) condition, fidelity and classroom observations will be conducted four times across the academic year, students will be tested at the end of 7th grade, and results will be analyzed. This will be repeated for Cohorts 2 and 3 in years 3 and 4, respectively. In Year 3, Cohort 1 will be administered follow-up testing at the end of 8th grade and results on reading growth from 6th-8th grades will be analyzed. In Years 4 and 5 this will be repeated for Cohorts 2 and 3, respectively. In Year 5 researchers will complete data collection and analyze the results from all three Cohorts, along with cost and efficiency analysis and dissemination of findings.
Products for this project will produce information about the efficacy of the Multi-Year AMP-IT-UP module compared to BaU programs, follow-up testing after one year of treatment, and cost and efficiency analysis between AMP-IT-UP and BaU programs. Knowledge gained from this study will provide important information on multi-year intensive reading programs on reading outcomes for middle school students with or at-risk for reading disabilities. Furthermore, this study will produce a publicly released final dataset, presentations, workshops and peer-reviewed publications. Dissemination of findings will also be directed at educational stakeholders (e.g., policymakers; practitioners; school administrators).
This project will take place in four Florida Title 1, urban/suburban middle school inclusion intensive reading classes serving 6th-8th grade SWRD.
Over a 5-year period, three cohorts of middle school SWRD (N=576) who did not pass the 5th grade English Language Arts section of their statewide test and score at or below the 30th percentile on standardized measures of word recognition and comprehension skills, will participate. These students represent a diverse population (70% eligible for free and
reduced lunch; 19% English Language Learners, 49% female, 68% Latin/Hispanic, 21% African-American, 10% Non-Hispanic White, and 2% other and multi-racial)
The Multi-Year AMP-IT-UP program is a two year intensive reading program developed specifically for middle school SWRD.AMP-IT-UP uses teacher direct, explicit instruction and cognitive strategy instruction combined with peer-mediated instruction to teach word recognition, spelling, fluency, and comprehension skills.
4Research Design and Methods
The design is a three cohort, longitudinal RCT four-wave test of effects: fall and spring in 6th grade, spring in 7th grade, and spring in 8th grade (follow-up) design. Each of these will be evaluated as an individual growth curve model, with students nested within classrooms. The hypothesis for this longitudinal analysis is the extent to which the AMP-IT-UP module treatment results in a growth trajectory different from that of BaU conditions.
5Control Condition
The Multi-Year AMP-IT-UP program will be compared with BaU intensive reading programs serving as the control condition. The BaU intensive reading programs represent numerous widely used intensive reading programs (e.g., READ 180; System 44; Inside).
6Key Measures
This project will use numerous standardized tests to measure reading outcomes; a) Stanford Achievement Test-passage comprehension subtest, b) Woodcock Johnson Reading Achievement Test-IV (WCJ-IV)-passage comprehension spelling, word attack, letter word identification, and sentence reading fluency subtests, c) the English Language Arts section of the Florida State Assessment, d) Test of Word Reading Efficiency 2nd –Edition-sight word efficiency and phonemic decoding efficiency subtests, and e) Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy grade level oral reading passages. Mediators: Fidelity of AMP-IT-UP implementation will be measured for adherence, dosage, and quality. Adherence and dosage will be measured using fidelity checklists and observation forms. Quality of instruction will be measured using the Classroom Assessment Scoring System-Secondary (CLASS-S). These measures will serve to distinguish instructional behaviors that help student outcomes. Moderators: student characteristic (gender, disability status, ethnicity) will be examine in relation to reading outcomes. Data will be collected on cost analysis and efficiency comparing the AMP-IT-UP program to the BaU programs
7Data Analytic Strategy
The efficacy of the intervention will be analyzed with a multilevel model of individual growth: time within student within classrooms (cross-classified). Treatment effects will be estimated for 6th grade, 7th grade, and at a one-year follow-up in 8th grade, considering linear and possibly nonlinear effects. Student level moderators and classroom level mediators will be evaluated for their impact on treatment estimates.
8Cost Analysis
The cost analysis will compare the annual per-student cost of AMP-IT-UP to the BaU conditions. The cost-effectiveness study will determine whether AMP-IT-UP produces student learning gains that exceed those of the typical curriculum program used in the BaU condition, for each dollar invested.