

She and her counselor clicked like this [Wraps one finger around the other] from day one. .. your staff had a, I don’t know, had their way of getting into her and she didn’t and she … next thing she knew she was like, “Mommy, you know …” And she hasn’t called me “Mommy” since she was like eight. You just, you know when your child’s… when she’s opening up, she’s softening.


I just hope they would never take this program away because of the benefits that the parents can get, like, we ourselves had the chance to do. So, um, with me … Like I say, I’m thankful for you guys.


I mean he really changed. It was, I mean...you have no idea. We were going through therapy since he was six, seven?


I noticed like the third time we came and we were face- to- face, he (son) started expressing himself. I was shocked because I never actually got to see him share himself, his inner feelings with me.


But with this program, now I can talk to him. I can’t shut him up. Every day he comes home, he’s telling me more and more ever since this program. Yeah, that’s just like my son. He’ll tell me about the little girls. He’ll tell me everything… he’ll tell me about his whole day.


Yeah, one of the videos was about healthy dating relationships and I know my cousin, he has seen a couple before that – they have physical emotions. So, I watched the video and I saw it and I remembered about my cousin. So I watched it with him and I talked to him about it and stuff like that. And I told him to help him out and … to have a healthy relationship.


From my heart, I appreciate this program to help kids from getting into trouble.


I liked the program; had a great therapist. Out of all therapies I gave my daughter, this one worked best. I don’t know how therapist did it. My daughter identified with her. It was a beautiful thing.


But with this program, now I can talk to him. I can’t shut him up. Every day he comes home, he’s telling me more and more.


I mean he really changed. It was, I mean...you have no idea. We were going through therapy since he was six, seven?


Having a manual that shows the links between cultural factors (for example acculturation or discrimination) and regular family process like parenting, is very useful.


The psycho-modules provides a foundation for understanding complex problems in a way that that does not blame the family for having that experience – for example stress due to acculturation differences. It lets the family know many families go through the same set of experiences.


Tailoring the treatment to the family makes them feel that you are taking their experiences and preferences into account from the beginning of treatment.


The tailoring report makes it easy to identify the family’s unique stressors, life experiences, and vulnerabilities so that the therapist doesn’t miss it.